Little Ones Nanny Agency Reviews

Little Ones Nanny Agency
Very Good
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

14th Nov 2018
I met Hazel at Little One who has been very efficient since the very moment I have seen her. She up-dated me daily with jobs that would match with my needs. She is very professional, accurate and a good listener to clients needs and wants. I hope to keep the same connection with her in the future.
7th Jun 2017
I registered with the nanny agency for years. I had the same consultant Martina for years even though I complained about her, they did not give me another consultan. She was not efficient to help and find a suitable job.

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Little Ones Nanny Agency

Top Nanny Agency in London Specialising in French, German, Italian and other Nannies in London. Find your Nanny Housekeeper in London with Little Ones London

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0207 183 0309

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3 Hanson St W1W6TB, London, W1W6TB


United Kingdom


Little Ones Nanny Agency is ranked 129 out of 163 in the category Service Agency

Little Ones Nanny Agency is ranked 7 out of 16 in the category

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