Monnier Freres United Kingdom Reviews

Monnier Freres United Kingdom
from 0 to 10
1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

4th May 2017
Ordered a Burberry Scarf and a Coach shoulder bag, which supposedly was in stock. To my great surprise after receiving confirmation regarding the payment and the shipment a there was an email that followed explaining that a full refund will be done. My emails to Monnierfreres have been left unanswered. Speaking to the support was futile as well as I have been left without an answer to why my order had been refunded. Needlessly to say I will not be ordering anything from them in the near future. Be careful .

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Monnier Freres United Kingdom

MONNIER Frères is a luxury fashion e-shop for women which offer hundreds of bags, jewels and accessories created by great designers.

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Monnier Freres United Kingdom is ranked 17 out of 26 in the category Bags and Luggage

Monnier Freres United Kingdom is ranked 29 out of 42 in the category Fashion Accessories

Monnier Freres United Kingdom is ranked 70 out of 83 in the category

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