Lisa Benbow

United States

Review about Team RH fitness
After 3 children and almost hitting 40 years of age, my weight had started to creep up. My new office desk job was getting the blame and was starting to believe the office talk that it was just a woman thing/ age thing. Although I was eating really low calories the weight just didn’t want to drop. I now know I was simply making wrong food choices and bingeing at the weekends to make up for it. I’ve been with Team RH for 12 weeks now and have consistently lost 1lb a week. I have never felt so full and haven’t felt like I have deprived myself in any way. This really is a game changing plan for life and the online community and app support really do help to keep you on track. I would highly recommend to anyone who feels they are stuck in a rut. It really has opened my eyes and slackened my clothes!! Forever grateful!