Chris Welsh

United States

Review about Team RH fitness
I'm relatively new to Team RH so still learning the ropes. The group members are all really supportive, and coaches are very knowledgeable and helpful. There are lots of informative videos and documents on the app and facebook, videos and tutorials of workouts for all abilities, videos designed to encourage you to get moving,healthy recipes and loads more! The best bit is that a lot of these are done by actual members, who have lost so much weight through changing their lifestyle the Team RH way! I love that this business really wants to see you go it alone and be fit and healthy ultimately, and change your mindset so that you dont come back! This is actually the cheapest plan you will find, with targets and goals for real things like macros and steps, no syns or points. Nothing is 'free' but within your allowances which is based on what your body needs to function. If your on the fence, give it a go. Your body will thank you!