Linda Wincroft

United States

Review about Team RH fitness
An honest approach to losing weight. For me its not a diet, the word 'diet makes people go crazy about food, for me Team RH has made me re-think food, its a nutrition and fitness plan combined. I've had 2 major spine surgeries so certain exercises are not allowed but Crissie, El and some of Rachael's (more gentle) workouts have proven to work for me. I can email the coaches when I have queries (and I've had a few) and the quick response is great. All this put together has started to shift fat and inches, Rome wasn't built in a day and I didn't pile these pounds on overnight, what Team RH has made me realise is that I can't shift the pounds overnight either but if I put the effort in and give it time, I will get the rewards. Thank you Ritchie, Rachael and team for all your hard work from a woman that has a butt a bit smaller than a few weeks ago.