Jennifer Sharewood

United States

Review about Team RH fitness
I'd been "observing" TeamRH from the sidelines for probably a year or more, on the fence wondering whether I should waste even more money on a weight loss plan like I've done over the last 2 decades. Then lockdown happened and I panicked as I didn't want to get even fatter so I joined and it has been the best decision I've ever made. It was tricky at first as I had no idea what I was doing and I messaged the coaches worried that it wasn't working. I wasn't hitting my macros consistently so I just tried harder and it just clicked. I watched the numbers go down on the scales week after week (slowly but surely) whilst I ate what I wanted. I feel healthier, fitter, slimmer and wiser!! I've managed to get 3 of my best friends to join too and now we're on this journey together. Thank you TeamRH for giving me back my life. You guys rock!!!