Mrs Hayley Hall

United States

Review about Team RH fitness
How is this company legitimate not offering a 14 day cooling off period? It's in the miniscule print that you are tied into a 12 month contract. They do not tell you that you need to sign up with My Fitness Pal at the offset, and of course, you can use the free version but the paid version is better, and if you want that, thats another subscription! I had the app for less than 24 hours when I realised I had made a mistake. I have tried to cancel, but like many others I am being told I cannot and if I do simply cancel my direct debit I will be charged £25 each time they get a failed collection. They are very rude and unpleasant to deal with. I even explained that I was suffering with anxiety and they are requesting all kinds of personal information. I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who has successfully cancelled or what really happens if you cancel a direct debit. I have never dealt with such awful people. The irony is, everything they offer is available free of charge on the internet anyway. DO NOT BOTHER! The only pounds you lose are from your bank!