Gemma C

United States

Review about Team RH fitness
I don’t know where to start. You get sucked in by all the talk on social media, you get persuaded by the cheap £6.99 per month figure. Once you sign up, you are tied into a contract for 12 months, you cannot cancel. This is because once you download “the app” you have received digital content and apparently waived your right to the 14 day cooling off period as well. The app is an absolute pile of rubbish, you have to link to my fitness pal, which in itself is a free app, in order to track all your food. But of course, this isn’t mentioned anywhere when you sign up to RH only once you’ve already got the app on your phone. Unfortunately I’ve fallen on hard times and had to seek advice from a debt charity, and they have advised me to inform TEAM RH of this with a letter stating I have got into financial difficulties since after signing up which I have done. Team Rh have said with this evidence they review in a view to terminate contracts. Which is what I have been waiting for over a week for them to do. In the meantime, I have cancelled my direct debit and received almost instantly a threatening email saying they will get debt collectors involved and for every £6.99 you miss they add on £24.99 I have since had an email back to say they can suspend my account for 3 months, given my financial situation. Again, throughout all correspondence this has not been mentioned ONCE, only that they would terminate given the right evidence. Why would I want to suspend my payment for 3 months, only to have to pay the three months I’ve missed when they get added on after reinstating, when I am in a serious financial crises. All the “information” they give you is widely found on the internet or exercises, calorie intake blah blah. They just make you think when you sign up you are getting 1 to 1 coaching but you are not. The plans are not “tailor made” to you because at no point does anyone speak to you individually about your plan, exercise plans etc. I would advise everyone to stay away from this company. They want nothing but your money and will do everything they can in their power to get it. I will not be sending these clowns any money, if debt collectors come so be it, I am seeking help through step change and you cannot get blood from a stone. I simply don’t have the money.