Argos Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

7th Nov 2018
I was given a fitbit charge 3 as a present after two days it wouldn't sync with my pc. then the app stopped opening. now it won't connect by blue tooth to the pc. Absolute waste of money! do not buy this product if you do not have a smart phone
14th Jun 2017
I bought flat sheet , but I want to return it , the lady on the customer service was very rude , and she broken the seal of bag and said it was not in that paking we give it to you , it was in different parking , and an other lady with her likely to be shouting on me , I have bring my sheet back , and she did not return it , very poor service , rude behaviour , I have waste my money,
13th Jun 2017
Was very happy with BBQ quick to put together good instructions. However gives off toxic adour due to base sealed with ordinary silicone. Do not purchase until they've looked into this and possibly recalled them. Taking ours back. Adour still bad after three days.
5th Jun 2017
I ordered a junior bed and mattress £198.00 quick to order and went to collect in the afternoon. The guy behind the counter seemed pleasant and collect my order from the back. As you can imagtion it was a long 2 man lift box and a matteress. He put in a b and q trolley pushed it through the side door by the counter and said heres your. I am 5ft nothing and this guy was 6 foot plus and looked like he could easierly pick it up in one hand but he didnt even offer to help me load this heavy item into my car which was parked right outside the store at telford shropshire. Doesnt your company belief in health and safety and welfare of their customers? I really struggled lifting the item i was very annoyed that your team didnt offer help
18th May 2017
My experience of returning this bed it has not been a good one. number one staff do not know the promotional codes. Number two being put on hold consistently because of staff computers system running slowly. Number three Getting different information each time you speak to someone. Worst of all being told that you cannot get the online promotion discount as I am returning a faulty bed. Been told that I would after exchange my bed then place a new order to get the discount. What company goes on in this way so the bed is faulty which is not my fault I have to return the item, because of the slats on the bed keep breaking I wanted to exchange the bed for a silent night divan bed. The new bed will take 33 days to arrive which is long enough. I also would have to wait for the money to go back onto my card. A good Company would replace and exchange the whole bed on the same day. What Argos is showing me is that they do not appreciate me as a customer.
12th Apr 2017
I would like thank thank the team at at Argos as I have always received fantastic customer care , especially yesterday 11 April 2017 when Diane and Tasha sorted out an issue that I had with a purchase . Nothing is too much trouble for any member of staff , again many thanks Cheers Alison

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Argos is ranked 28 out of 42 in the category Fashion Accessories

Argos is ranked 28 out of 34 in the category Watches

Argos is ranked 19 out of 34 in the category Domestic Appliances

Argos is ranked 26 out of 51 in the category Electrical goods

Argos is ranked 106 out of 185 in the category

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