14th Oct 2020
Review about Team RH fitness
This is not a typical weight/fat loss team. The primary goal.of Richie's seems to be to educate people on healthy nutrition and how the body responds to the foods you eat and the exercise you do. They are a highly motivate team who pass that on to every member. You have access to one-to-one coaching, your progress is monitored and adjusted to suit, there is endless videos to watch on nutrition, spoken in plain english, no jargon and videos on exercise for home workouts, with or without equipment. I have learned so much about a topic I thought was very complicated before. It has been a complete mindset switch for me and I'm loving it. Great group support on the members group chat daily. I highly recommend TeamRH if you want to and are willing to forget the nonsense you've been told in the past, listen to factual honest info and follow the plan, then you will get lifelong results, not ones that will last a few months or a year.